When you are walking in your calling with purpose even the most challenging of moments and circumstances are full of life and hope. As we have been traveling this last year my heart has been heavy with grief over the wasted years.
Was the Lord training and preparing us? Yes!
Has He redeemed our testimony? Of course!
Did we find purpose in the ministries we were a part of before? Without a doubt!
Were we comfortable and happy and spiritual gluttons? Well, you may be starting to see a pattern here, the answer to this one is yes too!
When I look at our lives in our beautiful house, facilitating ministries, serving and teaching all while in good, strong fellowship and having a grip of babies, I look back with fondness, but I do wish we would have started this journey sooner. Perhaps it was all God's perfect timing and so I always take captive my thoughts, but my mind also often wanders to those who are not walking in their calling.
Are we all called to sell all our worldly possessions and hit the road to minister to the nation like the New Testament believers we read about? I suppose not, BUT we are called to obey the Lord where ever He has called us to be and there are too many Christians waiting to start their ministry out of fear or because they feel like their season of life is too busy to take on just one more thing.
One right thing is better than all the things!!!
If you know God has placed a ministry on your heart, you should go ahead and start it...like TODAY.
5 Reasons you Should Start your Ministry...like TODAY:
1. It can take a REALLY long time to build momentum:
Just the paperwork alone if you are going the 501c3 route is enough to make a person want to give up. There are places you can use like LegalZoom that make the process go much easier for you. It still takes time and money so just start slow, but start.
2. If you are not walking out your purpose you are wasting your life:
I know we need jobs and money and provision and all that, and I'm not advocating being irresponsible, BUT if the Lord is calling you to step out then you have to trust that He will provide and you may not use fear as an excuse.
3. Seasons will not get less busy unless you make them so:
We have 8 children. On my worst days, I look at our God and I say, "Couldn't you have sent someone with less children?" And yes, He ncould have, but he didn't! He chose us in all our imperfections with our grip of littles to travel the country in a camper for who knows how long while we run his errands. Do not use your blessings as excuses.
4. People need you RIGHT now and you don't even know it:
We didn't know there were people who needed what we are offering years before. We didn't know the Lord had placed our vision on the hearts of other faithful believers who had grown weary and given up. If the Lord is calling you, the I implore you to be willing to go because He wants to use you.
5. Many are called, but few heed the call:
When the Bible says the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few, He isn't kidding! There is a ton of work to be done to reap the harvest and there are so few people willing to work that it discourages the most steadfast soul. Walk forward in your calling.
Well, there you have it. No more excuses. Be faithful in your gifting's and go where you are called to go. God is faithful and even if you are paralyzed with fear, embrace the power of the Holy Spirit and move forward in spite of yourself.
Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. Did you know it will only take 2000 Christians (out of 67 million professing believers in the U.S.!!) donating $1000 each to fund our facilities project?! Be 1 of the 1965 people left who help us reach our financial goal!
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This post was written by Nickole Perry, co-founder and Director of Operations at Cedar Creek Ministries.
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