Through the gift of hospitality, Cedar Creek seeks to minister to leaders to ensure spiritual health for growth. We offer encouragement through cards, dinners, getaways, date nights and connecting people with resources they need so they can be more effective in ministry.
To make sure every pastor, missionary and ministry worker has the time and resources to personally rest, restore family relationships and revive ministry vision.
To support them in walking worthy of their calling following Jesus because we know that encouraging one leader for Jesus changes communities.
Nights of rest for couples and families in 2022
People impacted by spending quality time building relationships
Of people affected positively for Christ through encouraged leaders
Amos: Board President & Bigfork Facilities Project Manager
Nickole: Director of Operations
Craig: Board Treasurer & Facilities Manager Bigfork Property
Connie: Prayer Coordinator
Board Member & Former Missionary
Board Secretary & Project Manager
Board Member & Anglican Priest
Board Member & former Pastor who passed away unexpectedly in 2021 while he was serving in his capacity for Cedar Creek Ministries. He was a great encouragement to us and is missed by all who knew him.
You can make an impact in your church by supporting it's leadership and blessing ministry leaders
Cedar Creek Ministries, Inc.