
5 Ways Ministry Work Teams Bless all Christians.
Apr 04, 2024

Work Teams: Good, better and best.

Ministry teams are such a blessing.  We are partnering with people on behalf of the Lord to execute His vision on His terms.   Occasionally, for some of us...some more than others, this process takes a great amount of patience and creativity. For example, if you have a building project and your team doesn't have any experienced builders, the week can be full of learning experiences and fellowship, but may not be up to par with deadlines you had in mind for the project time table.


  1. People are the most important:  God designed us to live in fellowship and take on big projects as part of the body of Christ, not on our own.
  2. Ministry teams are for mutual edification not just for the ministry to get work done.

5 Ways Ministry Teams Bless ALL Christians:

  1. They stir up love and good works.
  2. They remind us all that availability is the most valuable quality.
  3. Teamwork makes the dream work!
  4. Many hands make light work.
  5. Brainstorming makes for stronger ministries who serve in stronger capacities.

Love and Good Works:

We are told in Hebrews, as believers, we are to stir up love and good works through not neglecting to meet with one another for the sake of encouragement.  Work teams are such a blessing for encouragement, not only for the ministry, but for those who serve on the team as well. When people in communities see work teams serving a local ministry often their desire to partner with the ministry stirs as well.

Availability is valuable:

The ol' God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called couldn't be more true in this context.  When we are available to do God's work, we are used. When we see others serving, we remember to be available.

Teamwork makes the dream work:

Working with others to achieve common goals is such a critical aspect of ministry, especially when there is a large undertaking. Being able to bring others into a shared vision promotes the values of the ministry and gives everyone a sense of being personally vested in the project.

Many hands make light work:

The truth is, even if the people didn't know how to help when they got there, they do when they leave. Often times the educational process for people serving on work teams will benefit the kingdom down the road as they use their newly acquired skills on other work trips. Also, more people help with more projects. The more hands you have the more projects that can be started and often times even completed in a scheduled work week with a ministry team.


Often times getting more eyes on a ministry or project provides opinions and feedback that become instrumental to the strenght of the ministry going forward.  The same Holy Spirit is dwelling in all His people, so we can trust and depend that He will use others to show us our blind spots, see something from a different perspective or just offer encouragement in the God given direction the ministry is headed.

We all need to work together to execute the visions God has given to His followers.  Let His body of believers work as a body to work on God's time table with efficiency and fellowship! 

Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. Cedar Creek Ministries is funded by Christians and churches who believe in the call to offer our leaders the double portion!  If you feel the desire to make sure all those men and women called to serve God in missions and ministry have everything they need to personally rest, restore family relationships and revive ministry vision, consider joining us in regular prayer and financial support!! 

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for weekly encouragement!

This post was written by Nickole Perry, co-founder and Director of Operations at Cedar Creek Ministries.

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