
A Pastor's Inspiring Testimony: How Your Ministry Can Bring Renewal
Aug 30, 2024

These were deeply spiritual times of reconnection to God’s Holy Spirit.

If you are in a ministry of any kind, you know there are days when life hits hard. There are days when it feels like too much, and you want to give up. There are days, even moments when you wonder if what you are doing is having any impact.

Quick reminder for all of you walking in your calling, doing what you are called to do each day because you love God and your life is His:

  • Your work matters.
  • Encouraging others matters.
  • Sharing the gospel, week after week, matters.
  • Holding crying babies so moms can sit through worship and teaching matters.
  • Saving babies matters.
  • Working at camp matters.

A man who stayed with us on our Montana property has a story you should read.

  • God cares.
  • He sees you.
  • He is working.

Here is a testimony:

I wanted to share with you how God worked in me during our stay at CCM.

Every morning and some evenings I’d sit in the chair next to the door on the front porch. I would look at that view and marvel at the grandeur of God’s handiwork. Every day, grateful to intimately know the God who created such beauty…. These were deeply spiritual times of reconnection to God’s Holy Spirit.

Then, Thursday morning, that Spirit revealed something to me I wasn’t seeing:

"See that burnt tree, yes, the one right in front of you…. That’s you!"

That’s what I heard. Burned up, scarred, and wounded. Still standing but often overlooked among the greater work of God.

Yes, that’s me…. It was a humbling reality. I’m a ‘suck it up and get it done’ kinda guy! We’ve had great success in rebuilding the wounded body of Christ. But all day Thursday, I pondered the burnt tree and what it represented in me. What had been the cost to my spirit, my family, and my life? All day, the picture of that burnt tree was with me.

How burnt was I? Too burned up to be productive again? Too scarred and wounded to really serve again? Why did you show me that, God?

Then, Thursday evening, as I sat staring at that tree, I saw it! At first, I was not sure what I was seeing. Questioning my eyes, I went to my car and got my binoculars to get a better look! Sure enough, a glimpse of green! Up and down that burned-up tree are little patches of moss! Even while burned up, wounded, and scarred, new life is being birthed in the form of beautiful green moss! The burnt tree still has a purpose!

Thanks be to God for eyes that see.

That’s just one blessing we are walking away from CCM with. We are so grateful for your ministry. You all will be in our prayers daily.


Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. Cedar Creek Ministries is funded by Christians and churches who believe in the call to offer our leaders the double portion!  If you feel the desire to make sure all those men and women called to serve God in missions and ministry have everything they need to personally rest, restore family relationships and revive ministry vision, consider joining us in regular prayer and financial support!

Don’t forget to follow us on
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This post was written by Nickole Perry, co-founder and Director of Operations at Cedar Creek Ministries.

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