
How to Keep the Faith When We Don’t Know How God is Going to Solve Our Problems
Oct 11, 2024

When you know you are called, keep your confidence in where you are.

Though we have seen much fruit in our hosting families the last 2 seasons, we have drained our savings on building projects as everything took more time and money than we estimated.  Increases in prices of concrete and building materials made us question what we were doing on more than one occasion. 

With a husband who still works out of state and no budget for a mortgage with travel expenses, we often questioned how the Lord was going to provide. In our darkest moments, even with low-hanging fruit in our sights, we even asked if we had done the right thing. 

Even the ministry money seemed to be going out faster than it was coming in, even with strict budgeting and good stewardship. 

The list of what needed to be done before winter was getting longer, and even though we knew work teams were coming in the Fall, we just weren’t sure we were going to get everything done. 

Here is how we held on to hope until…

God had someone on our prayer team send a check for $20,000 to easily cover our year-end expenses and house a former missionary family for the winter on our Montana property. 


2 different work teams came and helped us get more done in 3 weeks than we could have on our own in an entire summer!! 

Hold Tight to the Truth

  • When you know you are called, keep your confidence in where you are. It’s so easy in those moments of doubt to succumb to going back to the easier life, but hold fast to knowing you are where God has you. 
  • Keep the Word as what is the whole truth for your life. I don’t mean “the Lord has a purpose and plan, though I’m sure he does, but I mean the tough verses that tell us to rejoice in times of trial and to overcome evil with good. 
  • Remember the fruits of the Spirit come exude from you when you are walking according to the Spirit and not satisfying the desires of your flesh. Walk in the Spirit. 

Take Captive Your Thoughts 

  • When life gets tough, we are inundated with wrong thinking and lies. We can easily get caught up in unbiblical thinking and unhealthy habits. 
  • Keep Christ and the truth about who He is at the front of your mind. 
  • Keep who God says you are at the center of your thoughts. 
  • Write out truths of scripture (both who God is and who God says you are) to refocus your thoughts when your mind is reeling. 

Keep Moving in the Same Direction until You Get New Instructions

  • If God hasn’t given new instructions, keep moving forward. 
  • Challenges and trials do NOT mean you are not on the right path. 
  • Don’t buy into the unbiblical idea that if everything isn’t easy, it can’t be the Lord’s will.

Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. Cedar Creek Ministries is funded by Christians and churches who believe in the call to offer our leaders the double portion!  If you feel the desire to make sure all those men and women called to serve God in missions and ministry have everything they need to personally rest, restore family relationships, and revive ministry vision, consider joining us in regular prayer and financial support!

Don’t forget to follow us on
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This post was written by Nickole Perry, co-founder and Director of Operations at Cedar Creek Ministries.

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