
What is rest, and do I even have time for it?
Aug 02, 2024

Creating active periods of rest regularly has positive effects!

Interestingly enough, the Cambridge Dictionary describes rest as a verb!
I mean, obviously, it’s an act of doing something, but really, it’s the act of
not doing something.

The definition is as follows:

To (cause someone or something to) stop doing a particular activity or stop being active for a period of time in order to relax and get back your strength.

Now, we have two key components here: relax and get back strength (or recoup).

Relax is also defined as a verb, meaning to become less active, more calm, and happier.

What in the world?!

So, rest is stopping any activity for a certain amount of time to pursue calm and happiness so we can recoup our strength.


Now I have questions (maybe these are popping into your mind, too):

  • Do I ever rest?
  • Does Netflix count as rest?
  • Does sex count as rest?
  • What do I need to stop doing to focus on calm and happiness?
  • Do I ever feel calm?
  • Do I ever feel happy?
  • Would I consider making rest a priority for the sake of strengthening my body to do the Lord’s work?
  • Do I really need to rest to have enough strength to do what I need to do?
  • Isn’t resting a waste of time?

Does Rest Have Benefits?

As a matter of fact, rest DOES have benefits. Not resting has many negative effects, too!

Doctors often emphasize rest because a life full of busyness without rest leads to physical, emotional, and mental stress, which can cause health problems.

Lack of rest increases the risks of:

  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Worry

But creating active periods of rest regularly has positive effects, including:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Greater productivity
  • Less stress
  • A greater sense of peace

What Does the Bible Say About Rest?

As the Lord would have it, He has a bit to say about rest in His Word, too:

  • The weary can lay their burdens on Jesus to achieve rest (Matthew 11:28-30)
  • God’s presence gives us rest (Exodus 33:14)
  • God rested after He created everything (Genesis 2:7)
  • Actively waiting can be expressed through rest (Psalm 37:7)
  • We can rest from worry (Philippians 4:6)

Now, we recognize the benefits of rest, the negative effects of not resting, and some biblical examples of how God gives us rest.

The real question is, will we choose to rest and reap the benefits for the sake of our kingdom-building work, or will we continue in the busyness of everyday life and feel the negative effects on our bodies, minds, and spirits?

Are we willing to give God our best? Can our best even be accomplished in these temples, walking in this fallen world without regular rest—even longer periods of rest, completely setting aside regular life?

So I ask you:

  • Will you make a weekly day of rest a priority?
  • Will you make your vacation this year a time of rest instead of an extension of your busy life?

Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. Cedar Creek Ministries is funded by Christians and churches who believe in the call to offer our leaders the double portion!  If you feel the desire to make sure all those men and women called to serve God in missions and ministry have everything they need to personally rest, restore family relationships, and revive ministry vision, consider joining us in regular prayer and financial support!

Don’t forget to follow us on
Instagram for weekly encouragement!

This post was written by Nickole Perry, co-founder and Director of Operations at Cedar Creek Ministries.

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